This site provides information about plants and their functions. There are also illustrations and videos included to help understand some of the plant's functions.
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Seed Germination
Taking care of a plant takes a lot of work, but the end result is usually satisfying. With the right amount of care and proper fertilization the seed can sprout and mature into a healthy plant. In order for germination to occur though, sufficient amount of the following are needed: 1. Water 2. Oxygen 3. Appropriate temperature
The following steps of germination are shown below:
It may seem complicated, but all these steps of germination happen over a slow period of time. It might take days, or even months, until you will be able to notice the first leaves sprout. But it is worth the wait.
For those impatient the following video is a time lapse of the whole process, compressed in just a few minutes:
Notice how the plants move towards the sunlight halfway through the video. This is called phototropism, which will be explained in detail in the posts later on.
Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms
Since there are two fertilizations occurring, it is called double fertilization.
Male Gametophyte Development
The pollen grains in an anther undergo meiosis to produce four haploid microspores. Each pollen grain contains two sperm nuclei in total, in which each will fertilize one egg.
Female Gametophyte Development
The ovule undergoes meiosis to produce a female megaspore. In each ovule there are 7 cells, but 8 nuclei (due to the polar cell and nuclei).
Double Fertilization
Sperm leaves the pollen grain and travels down the pollen tube where it will fertilize on egg and form a zygote. The zygote will develop into an embryo and later a mature plant.
The second sperm fertilizes the polar cell to form endosperm tissue; providing food that the developing embryo can feed upon before it is able to photosynthesis.
Plant Hormones
A hormone is a chemical compound produced in one part of the plant that controls growth activity. The hormones in plants stimulate the chemical signals between cells and tissues. Plant hormones can be grouped as a promoter (stimulates growth) or inhibitor (block growth). Auxinis an example of a promoter hormone. Auxin stimulates cell division and elongation in stem and roots. It also regulates cell expansion in a plants in response to light and gravity (tropism). The hormone can be found in the apical meristem. Auxins produced by the meristem create an affect called apical dominance, the plant ends up growing taller with fewer side branches. Removing the apical meristem will decrease the amount of auxin, and result in promoted growth of side branches.
Plant Nutrients
There are factors that affect the growth of plants. This includes internal regulators (hormones), external environment (tropism), sunlight, carbon, water, and soil. Plants also need a certain amount of nutrients depending on their dry weight. Macronutrients are nutrients needed in created amount than 1% of a plant's dry weight. Micronutrients are needed in smaller amounts (i.e iron, zinc, and copper). Each nutrient has a different affect for plants. Nitrogen gives the plant a dark green colour. Potassium strengthens the plant's disease resistance. Calcium helps develop healthy cell walls. Sufficient amount of nutrients will aid the growth of a healthy plant.
The pictures presented above is the affect of tropism. Tropism is the growth response of a plant to an external stimulus (this can be light, gravity, etc.). Tropism can be negative (growth away from stimulus) or positive (growth towards stimulus).
There are three main types of tropism:
Phototropism: plant's growth response towards a source of light. Lower auxin levels on the brighter side causes the dark side of the plant to grow and curve towards the light.
Gravitropism:plant's growth response to gravity.
Thigmotrophism: plant's growth response to touch or contact (i.e vines growing around a pole).
Non-Vascular Plants
Non-vascular plants is a general term for plants without the vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). Most non-vascular plants are low ground growing (i.e mosses) and usually do not grow very tall.
Non-vascular plants require a moist environment since they lack vascular tissue and can not reproduce unless moisture is available. They lack leaves, stems, and roots. Instead they have root-like structures that anchor the plant and stem-like structures that hold leaf-like parts up to light. All these structures do not carry out similar functions as a vascular plant. Though, leaf-like structures do carry out photosynthesis.
Classifying Vascular Plants
Most plants today are either angiosperms or gymnosperms. Both types grow from a seed.
Gymnosperms Gymnosperms in Greek means "naked seeds". The seeds (ovules) of gymnosperms are not encased in contrast to seeds or ovules of angiosperms. There are less than 900 species of gymnosperms today. The most common gymnosperm are conifers.
Angiosperms The word "angi" in Greek, means enclosed, while sperm means seed. The embryo of an angiosperm contains a one or two cotyledons which provide nourishment to the embryo. The seeds of an angiosperm is encased and consists of necessary nutrients that help the embryo develop. The embryo of an angiosperm develops inside the seed; this gives angiosperms a stronger advantage than gymnosperms. Angiosperm can be classified depending on what sex cell they carry.
The following video shows a closer look at the two types of vascular plants and pollination:
Major Angiosperm Classes
# Of embryonic seed leaves
Organization of vascular tissue in roots and stem
Vascular tissue is arranged in a ring.
Vascular bundle is scattered throughout ground tissue.
Vascular tissue is arranged in a star/x-shape.
Vascular bundle is arranged in a distinct ring.
Veins are parallel along the length of the leaf.
Veins are palmate of pinnate.
# Of flower parts
3 parts, of multiples of 3.
4 of 5 parts, or multiples of 4 or 5.
Secondary Growth
Root Systems
Dermal Tissue
Dermal Tissue: the outer covering of a plant. In a herbaceous plant, the epidermis (single layer of dermal tissue) forms a protective covering over the plant. Periderm can replace the layer of epidermis in a non herbaceous plant. This secondary growth usually forms cork.
Guard Cells and Stoma
The stoma is found on the underside of the leaf. It is a pore-like opening and permits gas exchange. The guard cells are lined around the stoma and controls the opening and closing of the stoma.
Trichomes keep the epidermal surface cool and reduces evaporation. Some trichome release toxic substances to repel insects and some are sharp to puncture predators.
The Venus fly trap uses its leaves to puncture insects.
Root Hairs
Root hairs increase the surface area by which the the plant can absorb water and nutrients.
Ground Tissue:This tissue provides support and store starches. Contains parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells.
Vascular Tissue
Vascular bundle connects the vascular tissue in the roots with the leaves. The vascular bundle is made of the xylem and phloem. The xylem is made up of non-living tracheid cells. Fluid is passed through pits. In the phloem, materials pass through sieve plates. The phloem is made up of living sieve-tube cells.
Meristematic Tissue
Meristematic Tissue: tissue where cells are constantly dividing and mitosis is restricted to.
There are three types of meristem tissue: 1. Apical meristem: growth of roots, leaves, and flowers. 2. Intercalary meristem: growth in length of leaves and stem (i.e grass). 3. Lateral meristem: growth of tissue beneath bark of stems horizontally (i.e growth of tree trunk in girth)
There are two types of lateral meristem: 1. Vascular cambium: production of phloem cells and xylem cells 2. Cork cambium: production of bark
Did you know the number of rings counted on the cross-section stem of a tree can determine it's age?
Plant Cells
Parenchyma Cells: Flexible thin-walled cells capable of several functions including photosynthesis and storage. These cells are spherical and able to flatten.
Collenchyma Cells: Elongated cells that appear in strands provide support for surrounding cells. These cells are flexible and can bend without breaking.
Sclerenchyma Cells: Thick secondary cell walls that provide support for mature plant. These cells contain lignin, a substance that makes cell walls tough and hard.
Vascular Plant Systems
Shoot system: above ground; stems & leaves.
Root System: below ground; roots anchors the plant and absorbs nutrients.
Three main functions: 1. Anchors the plant 2. Take in water and dissolved minerals. 3. Store carbohydrates
Two types of root systems : Taproot: grows vertically downwards in order to tap into water sources. Forms a center in which roots sprout laterally from. Fibrous: does not grow as far as the tap root system. Many thin moderate branching roots.
Root Layers
Epidermis: protects internal roots structures and absorbs water/dissolved minerals from soil. Cortex: cells have irregular shape and contain large vacuoles for food storage. Endodermis: thin layer of cells inside the cortex filters the material travelling towards center of the root. Vascular tissue: Contains xylem and phloem. It is called the vascular cylinder in roots.
Leaves & Stem
Stems There are many types of stems, ranging from soft and flexible herbaceous, to hard and rigid woody.
Functions: Supportive Role: holds plant up to light. Nutritional Role: transports water and nutrients through vascular tissue.
Leaves vary in shape and size, from species to species. Despite the variations, they all have the same main function: photosynthesis.
Leaf Layers:
Epidermis (upper & lower): if unbroken, repels invaders. The cuticle surrounds the leaf, acting as a waxy covering. This protective layer helps reduce water loss by reducing evaporation. Spongy layer (spongy mesophyll): irregularly shapes and loosely packed. Contained in the air spaces of a leaf. These air spaces contain carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. Vascular Tissue: xylem and phloem forms veins. Main functions: 1. Conduct water and dissolved minerals into leaf. 2. Conduct and dissolve carbohydrates out of leaf. Palisade Layer (palisade mesophyll): tightly packed cells below epidermis. The structure and shape of the parenchyma cells enable maximum light to penetrate through the transparent layer. This layer contain many chloroplast. Most photosynthesis occurs in this layer.
Transport in Plants: Xylem
Water is then transported through the xylem tissue and diffuses into other tissues of the plant. Entering the leaf, the xylem's conducting vessels branch into numerous veins. At the end of each vein, water and minerals can diffuse not the leaf's cells. Though much of the water that reaches the leaf, 90% of it, evaporates through the stomata. This process is called transpiration. The movement of water in plants seems as a mystery. How can plants transport water at a long distance if they have no muscle? In veins humans have one way valves in veins to prevent the back flow of blood due to gravity, but how is this accomplished in plants?
Long distance transport in the xylem is accomplished by two processes: root pressure (positive pressure), and transpirational pull (negative pressure). Both positive pressure (pushing) and negative pressure (pulling) contribute to the movement of water upwards through the xylem.
Root Pressure: mechanism by which positive pressure in roots moves water and minerals upward in plants. Water entering the roots creates a positive pressure, pushing water upwards. Minerals from the soil is moved to the xylem against the concentration gradient. Transpirational Pull: also known as the cohesion-tension model. Recall that most of the water that reaches leaves is evaporated through transpiration. This loss of water creates a negative pressure and pulls the water up to replace the lost water. There are three main factors that play a role: 1. Transpiration: evaporation of water through the stomata. Negative pressure exerts tension on the water confined in the xylem's tube down to the roots. 2. Cohesion: force of attraction between water molecules. This attraction keeps the water column unbroken while being pulled upwards. 3. Adhesion: force of attraction between water molecule and the walls of the xylem. Both attractions keep the water column unbroken while being pulled upwards.
The following video explains and illustrates the process of transpiration pull:
Transport in Plants: Phloem
The phloem transports products of photosynthesis (sucrose and other organic molecules) from leaves to roots. Transport of these products through the phloem is called translocation. Translocation moves sucrose from a source to sink through a combination of osmosis and pressure dynamics. The sink is any region in the plant where sugars are used or stored.
While water and minerals are being pulled up by transpiration, plant nutrients are pushed through the phloem. The movement of water leads to an increase in pressure in the phloem. Pressure gradient between source and sink causes a flow of solution through the phloem and sucrose is removed by the tissues in plant stems and root. Since the concentration of sucrose decreases, water moves out of the phloem and pressure decreases. In xylem, it is mostly negative pressure that moves the water and dissolved materials, while positive pressure is what drives the flow from source to sink in the phloem.
Anatomy of a Flower
Flowering plants (angiosperms) are the most diverse plants on Earth, they come in all colours and shapes. The reason for their successful variations is the structure which contain their reproductive organs- the flower. Typically flowers have four organs, sepals, petals, stamens, and one or more pistils.
(Stamen)Male Reproductive Organs: Anther: 4 pollen sacs in 2 pairs. Pollen is produced and stored here. Filament: tube stalk that supports the anther and is attached to the base of the flower.
(Pistil) Female Reproductive Organs: Stigma: region of flower that serves as a receptacle. The "sticky lip" captures pollen grains. Style: slender tube that supports the stigma. Ovary Ovule
Sepals surround and protect the flower bud. Petals are usually colourful structures that attract pollinators.
Flowers can be categorized as perfect (contains both male and female parts) or imperfect (contains either male or female parts).
Plants & Uses
Plants have been abundant in the Earth for several years. Seed plants first appeared in the fossil record approximately 400 million years ago, while flowering plants appeared in the fossil record approximately 135 million years ago. Over many generations humans developed various uses of plants; food, shelter, medicine, fuel, etc.
Plants are significant and vital for our survival.
Issues Today, we continue to use plants for our various needs. But as we continue to consume, we end up significantly damaging the environment, Through pollution, deforestation, and over consumption, humans are using up more sources on Earth than can be replenished.
Why does this matter? Ever heard the quote, "If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live"? Bees play an important role in pollination. Pollination enables the cycle of fertilization to occur. It is a necessary step for the reproduction of flowering plants.
Without pollinators, certain plants won't be able to go through pollination. Fruit, nuts and vegetable crops would be significantly affected by this and food would end up being scarce. Just like humans, animals need plants to sustain life. With food scarce, it will be harder for animals to survive. With less animals and food, it will be harder for humans to survive. And the chain goes on.
There is an equilibrium within the ecosystem, it is a cycle that sustains life. Breaking this cycle can cause an ecosystem to be off balance.
Plants are often disregarded in our busy modern world. We begin to interfere with the cycle and destroy the habitats of plants and animals.
The damage we've inflicted upon our environment is a current issue and some are trying to accommodate.
What Can I Do? The little things count. A simple action can go a long way. It is important to be aware about current environmental issues and what you can do to help. Educate yourself and have an understanding of plants and their significance to the environment. This site is for informative purposes, but there are ways to get involve. You can start by clicking the "get involved" section.